The pages of this website have been designed with the utmost care and critically examined. They are regularly revised, improved and supplemented. Nevertheless no liability or guarantee can be assumed for their accuracy, completeness and timeliness.

It is obvious to me that I am doing dedicated and honest work, to the best of my knowledge and belief insets for free knowledge for the benefit of my clients. I am aware of my responsibilities and take them seriously. At this juncture, it must be noted that we offer solutions and services for betterment of situations, relationships, and troubles; and with purely benevolent intentions. We believe in doing the best possible, and leave the rest on God's will. Again, as the astrological results do depend on many other factors, we do not guarantee the most efficacious or desired results, and also that the results or benefits may differ from person to person. We never do any illegal or unethical actions, therapies.

This site offering interpretations, explanations, analyzes, exploring the causes, location decisions, solutions, help finding views of stages of life, ways of self, encouraging self-responsibility, support of maturity, intellectual overview, setting of priorities, priority determination, meaning, goal orientation , comfort, and lifetime support.

Therefore we reject any liability for material and immaterial damages which may arise in their own lives as well as against third parties from the words, decisions and actions of my customers and clients, even if they can be associated with one of my services.

We expressly disclaims any and all liabilities to any person for any loss or damage caused by his reliance upon the information / contents provided on this site or any other cause. It is not necessary that the publisher/designer of this site or IT Services provider or advertiser to this site should be agreed with the contents and information’s provided on this site. These Parties are not endorsing the information / contents of this.

There are no guarantees that every person using this service will get their desired results for sure. Astrological results depend on a lot of factors and the results may vary from person to person.